What to Look for in A Content Moderator?

What to Look for in A Content Moderator?

Being a content moderator might seem to be an easy job; however, as a content moderator, you must work hard to maintain your organizations' reputation. Here in this article, we will...

7 ways Unified Communications can aid the growth of financial businesses

Financial businesses face unique and complex challenges, including stringent security requirements. Client demands are getting more sophisticated and technology systems are getting increasingly complicated. But how can businesses continue to keep up...

How to Fix Toy Cars and Dolls

There's no doubt in any parent's  mind that a favorite toy can mean a lot to a child. When a toy breaks, it can be devastating to a child. Knowing how...

United Fintech has entered the US market, and appointed Goldman Sachs’ Mark Lawrence

There is no doubt that the FinTech industry is still at the ‘pioneer stage’, and as there are really no specific frameworks, the set of skill that one will need to strive...

4 Ways to Ensure Your Online Security

Did you know cybercrime surged 600 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic? With millions of people working from home and spending their free time on the web, the stage was set for hackers...

The Complete Guide to Logo Design for Business

As a business owner, you know that first impressions are everything. Providing excellent customer service and top-notch products and services is, of course, a must. But potential customers decide within seconds whether...

How to Reduce Risk in Business

What are the three things that are certain in life? Death, taxes, and if you’re a business owner, risk. There’s no doubt that businesses small and large face a myriad of risks. Right...

The scandal of hidden commissions in the business energy sector

Experts are warning organisations to investigate the likelihood of hidden business energy commission In the wake of an emerging mis sold energy contract scandal, commercial litigation lawyers and claims management specialists are...

How To Build A Sales Team: The Best Practices For Hiring, Training, And Retaining...

Sales drive company growth. In fact, a sales team is a group of front-liners who are in constant contact with customers to increase revenue for your company. Building a sales team...

5 Reasons Your IT Department Needs a Bigger Budget

When it comes to managing a business, there are a lot of things to consider, and creating realistic budgets is one of them. How much money you can allocate to each...