Search Engine Optimization

If you own a company, then it goes without saying that your target should be to become a brand that is popular worldwide. And Internet helps your brand to reach the next level. For that you need to take into account several aspects.

Which marketing techniques are necessary to compete in the present-day business?

Whether online/offline or both?

The goal should be to compete with rival companies, and increase your customer base, along with earning their trust. Well, if you look at the trend these days, it is mainly the internet which influences the mass of population, most of them are youth. Roughly, we spent most of our time on net.

The use of Google for searching various brands and their products is common. Thus, online branding, no doubt, has huge impact on branding and marketing. Whereas, the question you should ask yourself is whether the old methods of advertising your brand, on offline methods like T.V. ads; newspapers and magazines etc.

Will influence your brand online or not?

We use Google for the smallest bit of information to the detailed data on particular topics. Therefore, SEO is a deciding factor. So, does offline branding impression our Google search results or not? If yes, how to optimize our branding space on search engine results?


 Following are the effects of offline branding on SEO:

  1. Google and Brand searches: Have you ever read a pamphlet about some clothing line, and subsequently you searched for it on Google? It is believed that what people read and discuss about brands, they search it online for its details. Also, do you know that the more your brand is searched online, the best it is for your SEO.


  1. What Google says about Offline branding: Earlier, Google used the mention of links as a major factor for the evaluation and authority of how your website would rank on the search results’ page. Whereas, the trend has now changed. Google has carefully taken into account the importance of offline branding along with the back links to a site.


  1. What is the reason behind this change? The reason Google started taking into consideration the online searches of your brand for the SEO, was due to the bad links. It was found that many sites had more mentions & back links, which was a sign of double-dealers.

Consider this; if your website has thousands of backlinks, but your brand searches are way less than that, this raises eyebrows.

Besides, it does not look genuine to have that many back links without enough searches being made for your website.

  1. What numbers says: If you plan your marketing, even offline advertisements, with good thinking and strategies, the chances are, says Econsultancy, that this can boost your brands online performance by more than forty percent. And who does not want to grab that fair share, right? It can surely take your sales up.
  2. Marketing preferences: Google is responsive of these modes while evaluating for authority of your domain on SEO:
  • When a survey was conducted to know what people think when they watch advertisements through various offline channels. They rated following five marketing mediums that influence their minds while making purchases. The Ads on TV influenced much more people than any other mode.
  • For about forty four percent, people watched advertisements on their televisions’ and were more interested to purchase such product. And, with the access to the viewing of TV channels on phones and tablets, it became easier for the companies to introduce their services into the online world.
  • Then, the next chief tactic used after TV advertisement is “Word of Mouth”. With forty one percent votes, it is the second major factor in people’s mind while shopping brands online. Also, we have our newspapers and magazines with thirty five percent people influenced by them.
  • Not just TV but people also listen to radio on internet. The companies have advertisements of their brands on radios, and twenty three percent people listen to it, and make their mind about a certain product. Last but not the least; we have advertisements through Billboard inducing thirteen percent people.
  1. The new Google updates: The panda update has taken into account new methods to evaluate the rankings of your domain. The new algorithm reviews all the factors like internal and external links made by unassociated users to your website.

It also maintains the true authority of your domain to the brand searches for your sites, and annuls the conflict of interest/ cheats by bad linking.

  1. Conclusion: Finally, we can say that if you have carefully planned for the branding of your product on offline advertising and marketing, you have greater chance of improving your rankings on SEO. This affects your brand value in a good way.

With the new updated algorithms by Google, they have to some extent distant the manipulation of ranking based on online mentions by not counting such links for authority of your domain. They will be counted only if your brand search has sufficient relation to your brand mentions. Thus, offline branding has legitimate space in SEO.