Internet is a must-have for businesses nowadays. But it also increases the risks of cyber security threats and scams as well. If you are running a business at small scale, don’t think that your business network is safer or your business is too little for the malicious persons to attack. Companies and businesses of all types and sizes are always at real risk of cyber-attacks.

That is the reason, you should invest in security solutions and tools to protect sensitive data and confidential information of your company from bad guys and hackers.

Here are some steps you can put into action to protect your company against cyber attacks and other online security concerns.

Make Sure Your Network Security is Enabled

There are multiple devices connected to the business network. Each device connected to the business network must have updated operating system, security apps and browsers to prevent any hacking attacks. Also make sure your network security is enabled to stop any bad traffic towards your network and connected devices. As cyber criminals can use malicious codes and malware to gain access to the device connected to your network, a powerful firewall stops all such bad efforts to provides you with utmost security. Security solutions like Bitdefender small office security can be used by businesses of all types to prevent hacking attacks and cybersecurity threats.

Discourage password sharing

Password sharing among employees could be a serious threat to your company. Educate your staff for not sharing passwords and login credentials for business accounts. Also ask them to use temporary logins for new employees and contractors when they need access to the business system. You can also use passwords logs that offer safe and secure password sharing features when it is necessary to share passwords.

Secure your hardware

Along with acquiring advanced security software and solutions like Bitdefender, safeguarding the company’s hardware is one of the best ways to protect your company against cyber-attacks. It is often overlooked by the companies but stolen, lost or theft devices is a real threat to any company. Protect all your hardware and devices with strong passwords, enable encryption and use multi-factor authentication to access and use your devices. Instead of sharing written passwords, use temporary passwords for third parties and change the passwords every three months. You should also strongly attach the desktops with the desks as it is an effective way to prevent interlopers from walking away with the company hardware and devices.

Ensure a Strong Sign-Off Policy

In order to protect your company from online security issues and threats, you should create and implement a fool-proof sign off policy for your workers. The policy should encourage them to return all the business devices or equipment before they leave the workplace. Moreover, all the business accounts and logins should also be logged off properly to keep the confidential and sensitive data safe.

Turn Auto-Updates On

An outdate operating system or web application is an ideal thing for hackers and cyber criminals to gain access to the business data and information. That is the reason, you should update all your software, apps and operating system to prevent hackers gain access to your devices through business network. You can turn the auto-updates on to install latest updates automatically.

Encrypt and back up data

Encryption and backing up your data regularly are the two vital elements of a fool-proof cybersecurity plan. Along with preventing access to the confidential data of your business, you should also render the useless data to prevent it falling into the wrong hands. Data encryption is one of the most effective and reliable fix for data breaches as it makes data and information useless for third parties. A lot of encryption solutions are available in the marketing that can encrypt data on a PC or stored on the business database. You should also create data backup on a regular basis to restore it quickly in case of hardware failure, unexpected hard drive issues or hardware lost/stolen.

Educate your staff

Preventing your workers from using their personal mobile devices at workplace seems like an obvious approach. But you can educate them regarding the dangerous of using unsecured networks and outdated operating systems. Encourage them to apply all the recommended security tips to stay safe and protected from cyber attacks when doing office work by using their personal devices. Teach them on how to use personal devices at workplace and how to identify and prevent cybersecurity attacks. In this way, they will be able to use their own devices securely at workplace.