Traditional brick-and-mortar shops are in trouble. You’ve probably noticed that yourself with all the big brands closing locations all over the world. So, what can we expect in the world of shopping in 20 years when we see such big changes today? Here are some of the best predictions.

Super-fast delivery

Today, two-day deliveries are the norm. However, things are changing rapidly as our way of life gets faster and faster. Actually, many customers are already saying that they are willing to discard their orders if the retailer doesn’t offer one-day delivery! But, that’s just the beginning. With drones, we can soon expect two-hour areal deliveries with Amazon even considering 30-minute deliveries for the future of their company.

Fancy shopping experiences

While traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores are struggling, they will definitely not disappear in the foreseeable future. However, they will need to adapt and change their format if they want to survive the digital world. So, in the next 20 years, we can expect stores that offer exclusive and tailored shopping experiences with comfortable dressing rooms, drinks, adjustable lighting, personal assistants and other first-class additions. Also, we can expect to see more unique, in-store-only sales and events, as well as interactive experiences.

No in-store inventory

One of the most annoying things about physical shopping is the fact that you have to transport all your things by yourself. When you visit a few locations and make several purchases, things can get tricky. So, in the future, we can expect to see more and more stores without in-store inventory. You can still see, try things and pay in the store, but you won’t have to take them with you. Everything you buy will be shipped to your address. With two-hour or 30-minute shipping, your things will arrive at your doorstep even before you do!

Online shopping made easy

Online shopping is already very beloved all over the world. And how could it not be when it allows you to purchase virtually anything from the comfort of your home. From groceries to medicine, you can literally find all you need for your day-to-day life and get it delivered to your house. Even huge brands are picking up the trend and today you can shop Valentino online and find your favorite shoes, bags and clothing with a few clicks on your laptop or smartphone. While fashion giants like Valentino used to prefer in-store experiences, today they offer top-notch online services for all customers.

AR will thrive

While augmented reality isn’t exactly new, we can soon expect the technology to advance and become more available and convenient. Once giants like Apple and Samsung adopt more of this technology

Augmented reality (AR) has been around for quite some time now, but we expect it to get even more sophisticated in 2018. Apple baking AR into the iPhone and iOS will certainly increase the development and adoption of the technology. For instance, IKEA is already providing its customers with IKEA Place that allows people to see how a piece of furniture will fit your home. All you need to do is scan your home, select the product you want to see fit into your space and you’ll never make a wrong perchance again!

Automated restocking

In the next 20 years, those who hate shopping will be able to eliminate it from their lives almost entirely. For instance, let’s say your panty is running low on coffee. Thanks to smart technology, your containers will predict future shortages and replenish your stock. The same can be used on everything from pet food to various snacks since your pantry or your fridge will sense the inventory levels and replenish them without you even needing to intervene.

Retailers who adapt and are willing to grow will enjoy and benefit from the upcoming shopping changes. So, staying passive and stagnant won’t get you anywhere in 20 years—progress and change is the way to go! 

Read more at Business to Mark.