To build a website, the first step is buying a web hosting. This step will affect the journey of your website in the future. So many web hosting services with different prices and quality are available to choose. When you choose wrong when purchasing a web hosting, we have the potential to experience losses both material and time.
We will lose a lot of money if the domain and hosting that we buy is quite expensive but unable to provide maximum performance. On the other hand, the performance of the website that is not optimal will make us also lose time because it can not increase the traffic and the ranking of websites on search engines by ggservers.
For that, we need to understand the following things that will lead us to to save money on web hosting but still have high quality and high performance.
First, buy a cheap domain in a web hosting.
To choose a domain in various web hosting is not an easy matter, especially if we want a premium domain name. Many premium domain names can be only bought in very expensive price on web hostings depend on requests from us. The trending top domains are available at higher prices.
It is suggested to choose a domain name that is correlated with our website content. In addition the domain must be easy for people to remember. It is in order to have more potential visitors. So choose a web hosting that provides the right domain at the cheapest price. Compare from some web hosting services. See carefully the prices offered to have our domain name.
So, open a web hosting, type a domain we want. Write the price there. Then open another web hosting, type the same domain. See again the price. The price is cheaper or not. Do that thing to some web hosting services, so we can get the best domain name with the best price.
Second, find a web hosting that has very good quality server with full features.
The next step after getting a cheap domain is we need to know the specifications, performance, features and also the price of the hosting package offered. Web hosting usually provides several packages that we can choose from beginners to advanced. For a new one, it is suggested to choose the beginner package. Beginner package has great feautures but simple to use. However, if you like to be creative in designing, choose the advanced package.
Whatever the package chosen, pay attention to the specifications of each package, especially on bandwidth and disk space. Limited bandwidth and disk space is going to obstruct the development of our website because it is exposed to a maximum monthly bandwidth limit and also a small space. As much as possible, choose the  web hosting with unlimited bandwidth and disk space so that our website can grow much faster. Popularity of our website can be affected by the package we choose.
Third, take advantage on promos offered
Buying a domain on a web hosting must pay attention to the right timing. Web hosting service providers will provide special discounts. We can wait for certain moments to get crazy promos on web hosting services . Example of this is Hostpapa coupon. Use the discount code to get exclusive offer to vievers.
When we use promos, we can get a domain on web hosting with economical price. How to use discount code? We can just apply the coupon on checkout. Do that before making payment so that we get the value recalculated. It is easy and simple to use.
Getting a good domain with affordable price is not difficult, right? By doing these three tips above, we can save money on web hosting.