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Cloud-Based Service Offers for Small and Midsize Businesses

Small and midsize businesses could take advantages from different cloud-based services to grow their business in a less expensive way

Cloud technology offers the small and midsize businesses with a number of solutions. Businesses now can do more with cloud services and solutions. Cloud technology offers the businesses with more powerful and cost-effective ways to manage the businesses without having to hire more staffs.

What Cloud Offers for Small and Midsize Businesses

Actually, small and midsize businesses have hidden cloud opportunities, which they can use to growth the business larger. The following are some of them:

Advanced Features in Existing Apps

Cloud apps regularly roll out feature enhancements at least two times a year. They can be used as cloud solutions for your business. You may not need to buy new apps. You can use the businesses apps, which you bought few years ago. Just look at the existing apps since how the add-on features could solve the problems in your business. You may need to browse the wide world web to see the advanced features offered by the existing apps.

Human Resource Development

Small and midsize businesses can use cloud services as a less expensive business solution for human resource development. You may see that customer relationship management (CRM) has been brought it cloud for few years. The next business operation that will probably move to the cloud may be human resource functions.

Cloud-based HR-related operations may include hiring system, payroll system, time tracking, and benefit administration. These are certainly an important challenge to see how the automation in the cloud helps the business with human resource management. Many apps have been available for this function. You can begin with free apps and proceed to paid apps as your business grows.

Deep Data Analysis

Cloud-based data analytic tools previously became the exclusive targets of direct-sales organizations and marketing companies. In the past, such tools were only accessible to statistics experts and dedicated business analysts. Now, even small and midsize business can use such tools for deep data analysis. Of course, using cloud-based data analytic tools is much cheaper than hiring a statistics analyst.

Most of the cloud-based business tools were designed with user-friendly features. Therefore, even the beginners can use them with ease, juts like a professional does. They come with drag-n-drop interface. You just need to input the data and the apps will do the remaining tasks. No coding is necessary to do deep-data analysis.

Raw data cannot provide you with thorough information on how your company is performing. Therefore, you can use the cloud data analysis to get deep insight of your business. The results of analysis provide important information for decision-making process. Data analysis shows the strong and weak points in your business. You can make necessary corrections based on accurate data, right?

Cloud Storage

Storing data in a hard disk or on-premise device is now thing of the past. It is now easy to find a hard disk drive with 2 terabyte (TB) capacity. Such a drive can act as a basic file server to store all of the business information. However, hard disk drives do not offer enterprise-grade security and they do not automatically back up the contents. If anything happens to them, you will lose all your business information. This can be fatal, right?

Therefore, more businesses now move to cloud storage. Small and midsize businesses can store the business information in a safer but more cost effective way. besides offering enhanced data security, cloud data services offer easier file sharing system. Now, you can access the data out of your firewall.

A growing number of vendors offer data storage services with terabyte capacity or even unlimited storage. They range from global vendors like CenturyLink Business, which offers 10 TB of cloud-based storage, to local vendors. The most important thing is that they offer enterprise-class security.

Free Virtual Machines

Virtual machines offer a number of free services for small and midsize businesses. Most of providers offer free trial or beta versions, which are available for few months. You can use the beta version to see how the VM works for your business. On the side of providers, offering free trial service is a great way to attract potential businesses to use the cloud-based services.

Virtual machines can do many things for your business. They include visualization from your desktop, testing with different operating systems, mimicking the existing operations with a cloud-based version, testing software in different platforms, consolidation, and many more.

Cloud resources offer many different services for small and midsize businesses. However, no single service fits every business. Small businesses are at advantageous position when it comes to cloud-based services. They do not need rigorous and complex integration process. Therefore, the integration is much less expensive.


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