Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeTechnologyTop Maintenance Advise for Your Drone

Top Maintenance Advise for Your Drone

After a long time pondering whether or not to buy a drone, you have finally decided to jump into the pool and have got yourself a consumer quadcopter. You have already taken your first steps as a professional pilot and in each flight you begin to look more confident. To avoid drone malfunctioning, keep it in a good condition by following these tips to maintain your drone.

If you want to know about heavy weight lifting drones, please check out Cinelifter drone guide.

Tips for Flying for the First Time

Before you start flying your drone you should check that the space in which you have been is clear of buildings, people and trees. You have to remember that it is forbidden to fly a quadcopter in urban areas and in spaces characterized by crowds – such as a beach or a park. And as for the trees, they are an obstacle to follow the drone’s trajectory at all times. Follow the instructions to start it and start flying low, checking that the joysticks on the control station are working properly and that the motors do not emit any strange sounds.

Tips for Post Flying Drone Maintenance

Once the piloting session is over, make sure to disconnect the drone first, removing the battery, and then the remote, and check the condition of the propellers. If during the flight your quadcopter has fallen a couple of times and has bent the propellers, use and install the spare ones. In case your quadcopter survived, grab a microfiber cloth soaked with a little alcohol.

In this way we remove the dust that may have fallen on the propellers during the flight. You can also clean your quadcopter with the help of a soft bristle brush and a dust trap cleaner. Leave the exterior of the drone shiny as well as the camera lens and, above all, be careful with the motors.

The dust and dirt that can be introduced force the engines to run with more power, increasing the risk of breaking due to overexertion and the drone falling in mid-flight. Do not forget to give a review to the control station either . As with a keyboard, dust gets into the small gaps that allow the joysticks to move. With a little dust catcher we managed to remove it.

Tips to Maintain Battery Maintenance Drone

A good number of consumer drones are accompanied by lithium batteries, a choice made by most manufacturers due to the advantages it offers.

On the other hand, lithium batteries lose energy at a slower rate, so their charge is much longer lasting.

However, it is advisable to use them well if you want to keep them for a long period of time.

First make sure you charge the battery , but do not overdo it . You should not overcharge the battery to more than 4.2 watts per cell or allow it to discharge completely – specifically, beyond 3 watts per cell. If you notice that during charging the battery begins to smoke or swell, it means that it is defective and you will have to change it.


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